Friday, November 5, 2010

Result Final Exam Yang Tak Gempak..

On the 2nd October 2010
Result Exam Final kuar.So dengan menguatkan semangat yang ade aq pown mmbuka website istudent uitm pkul 1700 petang time Malaysia. Only Allah knows how i feel that time. I feel like a butterfly in my stomach.Nervous tak tentu pasal.huhu
On the website, i clicked the "examination result" button and yet i the examination slip appeared through my computer. The first thing i'm grade point.huhu. It suck. i just got 3.67

I felt down and very disappointed with my result. Mak ngan abah pown same gak. "Faez, kalo camni camne nk dapat 4-flat?"huuhu.. rase bersalah dalam hati pown xde la usaha sangat.especially biology!well, buku campbell tu tebal kowt.sape la yg larat nk baca buku camtu. however, i feel grateful gak at least..i'm better than some of my friends. Ade yang cakap "bukan senang wey dapat lepas 3.5" tp, aq still x puas hati la.hurm..xpe2 next time, next sem aq akn try dapat 4-flat. aq xkan hampakan harapan aq sendri plus my parent and of course my fellow friends.. =)

back to my result..takde la gempak mne pown. naseb la
physics aq dapat A.
Math aq dapat A-
Chem aq dapat B+
and lastly Bio aq dapat B..
huhu..ape la ngan aq ni.

sedih plus pilu!!!
Segan dengan kawan2 aq yg dapt 4-flat.for sure yg kne rapat ckit ni ngan dyorunk...
so that aq jadi rajin.inssyaAllah